Who: My friends call me Vic. I am a self supporting, divorced female of a certain age who lives with one of the Sudanese 'Lost Boys' and a wire haired terrier named Cody. Until this year, two of the Lost Boys lived with me. I met the boys (now young men) through Catholic Charities and offered them a place to live until they could land on their feet. They are doing a magnificent job of landing. I found my dog through Pet.finder. After two hours of online searching, it took only a few moments to fall hopelessly in love with him. I think the feeling is mutual, for he loves to sleep on my feet as I blog.
What: Jane Austen Blogger and Professional Development and Literacy Specialist at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Why: Because I adore Jane Austen's novels and have always been fascinated with the Regency Era; Oh, and I love to read history books and biographies, watch foreign movies, and write. Lately I have also been writing about Georgette Heyer.
Where: Richmond, Virginia, but originally from Den Haag, The Netherlands by way of Jakarta, Indonesia, where I was born.
Physical description: Blond (thank you, Miss Clairol), average height, fluctuating weight - I am buff during crazed months of physical fitness activities, but mostly I sit at the computer on my ever widening bum or read, write, paint, see movies, and knit (while watching my thighs thicken.)
Personality quirks: None. Well, er, I like to laugh, goof, joke, party, and have fun. No one would ever mistake me for a Regency Lady. However, I can heave my bosom in disgust with the best of them. In a bosom heaving contest, Lady Catherine de Bourgh would have a tough time against me.
The Dutch Connection: I've always straddled two worlds. While I have been a naturalized American citizen since I turned 16, my Dutch roots still tug at me. Our family, and my ex-husband and I, never stayed in one place for long. I love my country and vote in every election, but in my heart of hearts, I am a citizen of the world.
Email: janeaustensworld at gmail dot com